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Ikhtisar Berita

Proven Practices to Rewire Your Brain to Help You Live Your Best Life

Ashish Kothari, founder and CEO of Happiness Squad, shares key insights from his new book, Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life. Our brains are neurobiologically wired to look for danger and stay alive, not necessarily to keep us content and joyful. Today, dangerous predators have been replaced by an increasingly complex modern existence: balancing demanding careers with busy family life, while absorbing the 24/7 stream of stressful headlines. Our brains have a hard time separating physical threats from those to our fragile egos and still react in the same way every time we are triggered: fight or flight. As a result, we find ourselves living in a heightened state of psychological scarcity and fear—a fear of not being smart or successful enough, a fear of being left behind, or a fear of not being loved. With practice, we can rewire our minds away from fear, towards love; from scarcity to abundance; from “me” thinking to “we” thinking. These are the practices of self-awareness, purpose, mindfulness, gratitude, emotional mastery, kindness and compassion, holistic well-being, community, and living intentionally. With time and repetition, each practice has the power to re-sculpt our neural pathways and change how we experience the outside world. Some of the most common reasons people don’t succeed include a lack of specificity on what actions to take, shooting for dramatic shifts right away, losing motivation, failing to anticipate obstacles, or lacking accountability. Be clear on your why and then ensure that every action towards the goal is small. Anchor the new action or behavior to something you already do every day. Then set up a system of accountability because that will significantly increase the chances of achieving a resolution. Adopting a daily intention practice can provide the needed focus, discipline, and self-control for picking yourself up from every fall to persevere toward your goals.

Fast Company